Sunday, March 1, 2009

Vinagre de Chile

Chili vinegar
I made this chile infused vinegar with ripe red Thai chiles. In Mexico they are known as "Chile mira pa' arriba" (upward gazer) because they grow up upright. Use it on salads, dressings, soups or anywhere you would use hot sauce. Be careful! A little bit goes a long way. You'll need the following ingredients:
  • One cup of fresh red chiles
  • One cup of white vinegar
  • One tablespoon of sea salt, or Kosher salt
  • One garlic, peeled and sliced
  • Quarter of an onion
Wash and dry the chiles and remove the stems. Be very careful, the chiles are very spicy. Make sure you wash your hands carefully after you handle them. In a clean jar marinate all the ingredients.

Store in the refrigerator for up to a week until the vinegar becomes infused with the chiles and all the other seasonings. After one week, process all the ingredients in a blender. Most of the spicyness resides in the seeds, so in order to have a milder vinegar it needs to be strained. Pour the remaining vinegar in a cruet and enjoy! Store in the refrigerator, it will keep for several days.

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